These are the two boards upon which the scenery will be featured. You can see the contoured edges that bring the layout six inches closer to the audience, adding depth to the scenery.
Some evidence of planning here! The plan in the foreground is the OS Map of the station. I used it to get the key features in the right places. Some compromises have to be make of course or I'd need a 12 foot baseboard. I have drawn out the key features on the boards and I checked the length of the platform (a major compromise) with rolling stock. It will accept a 2 coach train with ease. You'll note that I have arranged the layout so the viewer looks south. This gives a great view of the signalbox and station building.
I took the opportunity to place trains on the full sized layout. Apart from my own amusement, I also wanted to see whether my compromises are acceptable. This view looks towards Stratford.
This is a view that you'll not be able to see when the layout is complete but it is the view from the station approach road. A Stratford bound 4F awaits a clear line. The lines in the foreground will be the 15inch Gauge Blakesley Hall Miniature Railway station.
I thought you may want to see how I make the contours of the scenery. I want the scenery to be very light and so I use polystrene as a former, either foamcore board (available through art shops) or old food packaging ( such as pizza bases). On top of teh formers, I use a skin of cereal packet card torn into strips and glued to the formers with a Hot Glue Gun. On top of all this, I use an old fashioned papier mache skin. I apply two layers of paper (obtained form my recycling bin at work) wetted and stuck down with PVA glue.
So here are the two boards together with the integral backscene in place. This is now looking very good, having been spray painted grey and printed scenery cut out and applied.
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